Well winter is finally packing a cold punch to us here in New Zealand. Our South Islanders have had snow, while up here in the North Island we are just feeling the chill, Auckland rarely gets snow. We had sleet from a Polar blast from the Antartic last year, for us here in Auckland that was spectacular, as the last Polar blast was 30 odd years ago.
Roll on Summer!!!!!!!!!! I am not a winter person.
Well with all the chill it does keep you inside more, so its more time for crafting Yay!!!!!!!!!
I've been busy making lots of mini albums, some are gifts and some for sale. So over the next few days there's going to be lots of mini album eye candy to browse over.
Firstly in this blog will be a Baby Boy's Onesie mini album for Alisa's(my 12 yr old) teacher as she is leaving to soon to have her baby. I did compile a video of this but alas being the first video ever, it was a disaster and will be buried deep in the archives, lol. I need a lot more practice before uploading.There's quite a lot of flipouts, tags, a peek-a-boo page, mini foldouts.
I hope this is enough eye candy for one day, I have also upload below her Easel card
In the next few days will upload a Recipe Book Mini album at was made for my 29 yr old daughter for her birthday.
Until then, where ever you are in the world keep warm, keep cool and keep safe